I found this web page that outlines some good points step by step how to prepare for an oral presentation.
Here are a few points I liked the best:
-Make sure you pick a topic that is interesting to you, otherwise you might not be enthusiastic enough to research it and speak about it.
-Research your topic. Never go into an oral presentation not knowing what your topic is about. Even though you don’t think so, it’s obvious when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
-Dress professionally. Depending on where you are presenting, you may or may not want to dress professionally. Either way, you’re going to be the center of attention. It’s important not to look like you just walked in off the street. Dress nicely and groom yourself before you present.
I agree that dressing properly is important for oral presentation, and it shows that your are respectful.
Well, Sean, I agree an interesting topic such as hockey (for guys) and shopping (for gals) will be much more fun than most assignments we encountered at school and work, but too bad, that's not always acceptable to the boss.
You are one should pick a topic that is interesting and not complicated, it should be something easy so you stay connected with your audeince.You need to know your topic so you can explain it and answer any questions. The way you dress tells a lot about you so one needs to dress appropriatly
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