Monday, May 31, 2010

Checklist for Oral Presentations

The following is an example checklist that might be used when evaluating oral presentations.

* Organization and Content
1.Appropriate Introduction
2.Clear Thesis
3.Presentation Organization
4.Adequate Support for Ideas (Weighted 2x)
5.Definite Conclusion
6.Visual Aids (Appropriateness & Effectiveness)
7.Q & A Session-Knowledge of Topic
8.Use of Allotted Time

* Presence
1.Physical Appearance, Neatness, and Grooming
2.Posture, Gestures, and Movement
3.Eye Contact

* Delivery and Grammar
1.Enthusiasm and Vocal Variation (freedom from monotone)
2.Preparation and Knowledge of Materials
3.Effectiveness of Delivery Method
4.Vocabulary and Use of Appropriate Words
5.Freedom from Distracting "Uh"s & "Like"s, etc.
6.Pronunciation, Enunciation, Audibility, and Clarity
7.Grammar (Weighted 2x)

1 comment:

monicapharm said...

Yeah, eye contact is very important, because you can get direct feedback from the eyes of your audience.