Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sorry, I did not know that my email was not visable! It is now.

How not to start a presentation!

For some reason Blogger keeps coming up with an error when I try to load this video, so here is the link. This is a great example on how not to start. My wife recently had to present a presentation that was not hers to her bosses. This is very hard when you did not do the research and trying to project the message the original author had. So my wife spent a great deal of rehearsing in front of others and emailing the author about messages he was trying to present. She all had a hard time with the tone of the presentation because that is a very personal thing and is hard to portray for someone else. Due to my wife's preparation and hard work this situation in the video did not happen to her.
Hi ladies I was just wondering about tonights class?

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation can be very stressful and complicated; I found this website that gives you great tips on how to plan your presentation.
The main important points on that website are:
When planning your presentation try not cover too much information, so it does not bored your audience, and try not to cover complicated points make simple and fun.
Some people get nervous during presentations; there are some techniques you can use that will help you improve your confidence. These points are: your voice, involving your audience, use of notes and visual aids.
Your voice makes a big difference in a presentation; try to use the right tone of voice, and be clear, and fluent.
Involving your audience in a presentation is important it will help in keeping their attention; this can be done by presenting an interesting topic, and by keeping your audience active, by asking them simple questions.
Use notes effectively:
It is important to use notes if you are not an experience speaker. Notes helps you maintain your thoughts. Try to avoid long text or memorizing, because it can get boring and causes you to lose the attention of your audience. Use notes that have large headings for main ideas to cover.
Use visual aids:
Visual aid makes presentations more interesting; it helps audience keep up with the speaker. Visuals can be a power point presentation, hand outs, or an overhead.